Welcome to the Design to Code Arena!

This is a structured contest where design-to-code tools battle it out. We have eight popular design-to-code tools along with a human-coded design benchmark. Brace yourself for 10 rounds of thrilling competition, each featuring one design and two code samples. At the end you will view an Elo-based ranking of the tools. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to decide which code reigns supreme. Let the duel commence!

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Code Quality: Could this code find a home in your repository? Assess its maintainability and scalability. 🛠️
  • Design Fidelity: How well does the code capture the essence of the design? Is it a faithful recreation or just a static snapshot? 🖼️ ↔️ 💾
  • Flexibility & Best Practices: Is the code versatile and adaptive? See if it's responsive and follows best design practices. 🌊

Are you ready to see how the best human-crafted code stands up against the top design-to-code tools? Sign in now to start voting!